Temperature |
38 °F |
Humidity |
97.6 % |
Precipitation |
0.00 in |
Calendar Day Total |
0 in |
Atmospheric Pressure |
29.66 Hg |
(reduced to sea level) |
30.27 Hg |
Wind |
From |
SSE (154 °) |
Speed |
1.2 mph |
Gust |
1.9 mph |
Stability Class |
F |
Current as of 2/8/2025 00:30.
View Full LLNL Current Conditions
Data Reporting
Custom report tool
Includes plots, table of samples, and data export in TSV file format, for the desired date range. Provides min, max, and average functions.

Site 300 ( XML | JSON | JSONP)
Sandia ( XML | JSON | JSONP)
Several exporting methods are available to provide values for the latest readings of several instruments in either XML, JSON, or JSONP format. May be used as a data feed to display weather conditions on another web page.
Two-day Plots
Separated plots of samples from yesterday to
today. Take a quick look at recent trends.
Current Conditions
Livermore Sandia
Temp |
58 °F |
Humid |
60.1 % |
Precip |
0.00 in |
Wind |
From |
SSW (195 °) |
Speed |
9.1 mph |
Gust |
21.0 mph |
As of 1/3/2017 23:30.
Site 300
Temp |
43 °F |
Humid |
85.2 % |
Precip |
0.00 in |
Wind |
From |
WNW (285 °) |
Speed |
13.7 mph |
Gust |
17.2 mph |
As of 2/8/2025 00:30.